
Dragoneer: Two dragon rider Young Adult fantasy novels

Created by Ash Roberts

A YA LGBT #ownvoices series about a royal teen caught between two worlds, of nobility and the rough-and-ready world of dragons

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy Father's Day
about 2 years ago – Sun, Jun 19, 2022 at 12:30:09 PM

Happy Father's Day to those who consider themselves a father, regardless of your gender, whether your children have 2 legs or 4. If you show up and do the work, I salute you.

My relationship with my father has been difficult. He basically left when I was 10, and he hasn't exactly been supportive of my transition.

And you'll notice in shows in my writing. My stories aren't exactly filled with loving and supportive fathers.

But in Dragon Run, you learn more about Theron's relationship with his daughter Lunara, and I promise it is 100% wholesome. Theron is the dad I wish I had.

So happy Father's day to Theron and all the other awesome dads out there.

Let's streeeetch
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 06:19:46 AM

We hit out funding goal a few days ago, but lets see how high we can go!

It's time to announce everybody's favorite Kickstarter update, the announcement of the stretch goals.


Stetch goal #1: $1000

At the time of this update, we are $290 away from out first stretch goal. If we hit $1000, I will create "director's commentary" for each book, and everyone who has backed at at least the $20 level will receive it FREE.

Stetch goal #2: $2000

For goal number two, i would like to reach $2000. This will unlock TWO new reward tiers. The first, at $15 will be the audiobook for Royal Dragon, professionally narrated by the amazing Frances Anderson. This audiobook is done and ready to go as soon as the campaign is over.  Plus, there will be some additional goodies. The second tier, at $30 will get you both Royal Dragon and Dragon Run as audiobooks. Frances has already agreed to narrate the decond book and is eagerly awaiting the opportunity. She loves these books as much as us! I just need to pay her.  Which is why this is a stetch goal.

Anything else you would like to see? Let me know, and maybe we can make it happen!

In the mean time, check out this incredible campaign that I'm backing.

 The Prentiss Twins: Middle Grade Adventure Fantasy Contemporary Fantasy for Kids with Native American Themes 

We have funded!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 08:12:35 PM

Thank you

This evening, we hit the funding goal for the project, and we are currently sitting at 114% with 12 days still to go. That's amazing, and thank you to each and every one of you.

In other news, the week 1 early bird perks are going away tonight. When I wake up in the morning, I'll be posting what what you can get if you have been on the fence and haven't backed yet.

A great first day
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 08:31:52 PM

As the day draws to a close, I wanted to thank everyone who backed the campaign today. We passed 25% funded.

While I'm at it, i wanted to share with a couple of other campaigns going on right now with dragons.

The first is Amy Wolf's The Spinners of Time, an epic fantasy set in a wondrous world filled with dragons, magic, and romance. It's got just $31 to go.

The second one is The Book of Earth, an epic fantasy with more dragons by Jacklyn Hennion. It's got just under $1000 to go.